Purim: Divine Salvation Comes Naturally
Purim is the most joyful day of the year and it also has a message that continues throughout the ages. Although the Purim story does not feature any visible miracles, G-d actively guides events in subtle ways. This holiday shows how divine providence is a part of our daily lives and how we need only to be willing to acknowledge it. It celebrates the joy of G-d’s involvement in all aspects of our lives.
Purim is a salvation that followed the Jews’ commitment not to worship idols. The miracle of Purim sparked a powerful spiritual awakening among Jews and many non-Jews. Many nations were drawn closer to the Torah and Judaism. This event was, in some ways, even more profound than the covenant at Mount Sinai, where the Jews’ acceptance of the Torah was almost an imposed response to the supreme spiritual experience of the giving of the Torah. On…