by Rabbi Moshe Perets

So if you just came out of your former ways what should you do next?
What is the first step?
1- Make the Noahide Declaration.
2 - Study the 90 Laws List.
3 - Get yourself the Book of the Divine Code.
4 - If you are already here it mean that you are an affiliated Member of the Noahide Academy.
5 - Start taking a Course on the Foundations of Torah Faith
6 - Get Personal Guidance from a Rabbi here.
7 - Start implementing some new things in your life like for example Morning Prayer.
8 - Set a healthy weekly Study rhythm.
9 - Be more concerned with others around you, like your imediate familly.
10- Contribute to the World Noahide Community in a positive way and make this world a dwelling Place for Divinity - where HaSHem feels at Home and you feel at home and your fellow human beings feel by you at Home.
Check out our Ressources:
For Personal Guidance with Rabbi Moshe Perets: send an email to or what's app message to +972-584523535
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