1. Encourage and mentor Bnei Noah on a personal level in the practical learning and halachic application of the Torah-based details of the Noahide Code.
2. Provide a structured curriculum with weekly classes on the Noahide Code.
3. Make relevant materials available for Noahides, including Torah-based learning materials, and recommended publications for study and prayer.
Establish a web site for the Community Center which invites inquiries via web-form, and registration for email newsletters with announcements of endorsed events for the Noahide community, etc.
4. Support structuring and organization of local Noahide communities by providing answers to questions, and halachic consulting about Noahide social events and life-cycle events (such as youth programs, weddings, funerals, etc.).
5. Organize public talks and seminars on the Universal Biblical Heritage, the 7 Noahide Commandments, and the overall Noahide Code.
6. Issue certificates to Noahides for completing courses of study on the Torah-based Principles and Observance of the Noahide Code, and for implementation of those principles and observances in their
daily lives.
7. Issuing of Noahide Wedding Certificates.
8. Investigate and possibly implement a process of issuing of certifications for non-kosher meat as acceptable or extra-scrupulous for Gentiles according to the Torah-based Noahide Code.
9. Create a Noahide Leadership Program (see below).
10. Three-, five-, or seven-day seminars in Israel for groups of Noahide community leaders.
11. Establish educational programs and Noahide schools (pre-school through high school).
12. Investigate halachic issues involved in establishment of Noahide Courts under Rabbinical authority.
Just as Jewish Day Schools are an important key to staying within the community so shall it be for the Noahide Schools. Are there any Noahide schools in the United States? How many are in Israel?