So you realized that your religious upbringing or background are obsolete (not true) ?

And you would like to know what should you do to join the Torah Way of Life ( without converting to Judaism)?
And you understand what to be a Noahide means (at least basically - to be connected to the Jewish people by acknowledging the G-d of Israel and following the Torah as it is commanded to all Gentiles and explained by the Rabbis) ?
So you are at the Right Place.
Here are your first steps into the Torah Way of Life:
1 - Check if your mother is a Gentile or Jewish (as well as your maternal grand-mother and your maternal great-grand-mother);
2 - If you find Jewish signs or that your mother or a woman in your maternal lineage is or "was" Jewish, please get in touch with Rabbi Perets by email to for proper Guidance.
3 - If you cannot find any Jewish indications so it means that you are a Descendant of Noah and not of Abraham.
4 - If you are a Descendant of Noah ( Ben or Bat Noah - Son or Daughter of Noah - or Noahide ) it means that your Bounded to HaShem through the Covenant of Noah and the Torah of Moses by the Seven Universal Commandments from Torah for Humanity. Please read here about your Torah heritage.
5 - You can Read and Download here your Noahide Declaration of Faith. If you would like to Proclaim the Declaration in front of a Beit Din (3 Rabbis of the Academy) please get in touch with Rabbi Perets by email to to set at date and time.
6 - Make sure you Register here and become and Affiliated Member of the Noahide Academy of Israel.
7 - Read and Study the 90 Noahide Laws List.
8 - Read and start saying the Morning Blessings for Noahides here.
9 - Follow our Daily Study of the Noahide Code and/or get yourself the Book of the Divine Code.
10 - Start a first Free Course on Noah's Ark here. Please check here the 22 Courses for Noahides available here.
11 - Request a Personal face-to-face Session with Rabbi Moshe Perets for Personal Guidance and Torah Study here. Send an email to or what's app message to +972-584523535
Thank you for being so thorough, Rabbi Perets, in the creation of this course, especially for Step #2 above. For some reason I thought that it was only a Jewish maternal mother and grandmother. Although, I do question some of the names as far back as the 4th and 5th generation on the maternal side. Perhaps, just hopeful thinking. 🤗