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What Does The Sefirah of Chessed Has To Do With Noahide Married Life?

By Rabbi Yermihau Bindman

Love in Noahide law emanates from the sefirah of Chessed (Kindness) which in turn derives its meaning from the Sefirah of Da'at (knowledge).

When a person (Gentile) becomes observant of the Noahide Code (and is then called a Noahide), all of the seven emotional powers in their soul become refined and elevated, ready to receive Torah from the Jewish sources and to keep the precepts enjoined by them.  When people become parents they enter into the concept of sincere concern for the well-being of others.

The sefirah of Kindness thus pertains directly to family love, because the deepest and most important  act of kindness is to produce children, who then go on to the  lives given to them by their parents, to lives of their own. For this to happen properly, a Noahide couple must therefore observe the Torah's prohibitions on certain relationships, so that incorrect concepts do not interfere with the flow of G-dly influence to them from above.

Each of the forbidden degrees has its own rationale, known to our earthly understanding, even though its ultimate source is mysterious. This concept of Knowledge is thus indispensable to progress in true loving family relationships, ready to face any adversity with confidence. 

By Rabbi Yermihau Bindman


Rabbi Yermihau Bindman is the author of the "Seven Colors of the Rainbow" dealing with the study of the Seven Noahide Laws, the history of the Noahide Movement and mystical considerations on the Noahide Laws. He is also a Teacher of the Noahide Academy of Israel.

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