What Did Abraham Teach His Guests
The Obligation To Honor His Creator
Or the prohibition of blasphemy
The opposite of cursing one of the Names of G-d is to bless G-d.
When a person comes to recognize that G-d is the Creator of everything and makes everything constantly exist, he will feel the greatness of G-d and want to thank Him for everything he receives from Him.
When a person prays before G-d, and when he wants to bless and thank G-d – e.g., to thank Him for his food, for his life, for his recovered health, or for a miracle that was done for him – he should direct his mind and speech to say verses from the Hebrew Bible, or he should praise G-d in a way of honoring His blessed Name. With this manner of prayer, G-d’s Name will be glorified. It was Abraham’s custom to teach all the people of the world that it is proper to thank and bless G-ds Name, and not to assign this level of honor to any other presumed power or any created being.
“and there he [Abraham] proclaimed the Name of G-d, G-d of the universe”
Let's take this example from Abraham and G-d for the food we receive in a way and manner that our environment sees and hears.
And let's at least say the short version for Grace after meals:
Blessed is the G-d of the Universe, from Whose bounty we haven eaten
Brought By Angelique Sijbolts
Angelique Sijbolts is one of the main writers for the Noahide Academy. She has been an observant Noahide for many years. She studies Torah with Rabbi Perets every week. Angelique invests much of her time in editing video-lectures for the Rabbis of the Academy and contributes in administrating the Academy's website in English and Dutch. She lives in the north of the Netherlands. Married and mother of two sons. She works as a teacher in a school with students with special needs. And is a Hebrew Teacher for the levels beginners en intermediate. She likes to walk, to read and play the piano.
The Divine Code
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