The Prophecy of The Complete Redemption

The obligation to obey and hear the true prophet is based on the fact that the prophet is a conduit for God's message and represents His authority. If a prophet meets the criteria of a holy person and their future message is confirmed as true, then it is the obligation of the Jewish people as well as Noahides to obey their message (Deuteronomy 18:19)
However, if a prophet's message is not consistent with previous prophetic messages, or if their positive prophecies do not come to pass, then they are considered false prophets, and it is forbidden to follow their teachings. If their message is inconsistent with the Torah as it was given in Mount Sinai, they are not to be followed.
The Book of Obadiah contains only one chapter with 21 verses and is the shortest book in the Bible. The prophecy focuses on the Edomites, the descendants of Esau, and the coming redemption.
Obadiah's prophecy begins with a message to the nations, announcing their impending judgment for their mistreatment of Israel during exile. Obadiah accuses Edom of standing idly by when Jerusalem was attacked and plundered by its enemies. He prophesies that the Israelites will reclaim their land and rebuild the third Holy Temple. This message is very important for both Jews and Gentiles.
Obadiah delivers a message of hope to the Israelites as well as those who fulfill the 7 Noahide commandments. He assures the people of Israel that they will be restored and that all their enemies will be defeated. He declares Israel will return to their land and that the kingdom of Moshiach will be re-established. The Era of Moshiach will bring abundance and above all, knowing the truth of G-d. We all await the Rebbe's prophecy to our generation to be materialized soon in complete redemption.

Rabbi Moshe Bernstein is a writer and a Community Rabbi in Netanya, Israel. He believes in making connections between the Jewish People and the Noahides worldwide in order to share and enhance the knowledge of the Torah's Universal Code for Humanity and fulfill Isaiah's Prophecy 11:9 " And the world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the oceans".