The Four Levels Of Intention For Causing A Person's Death

Warning: This sensitive topic speaks about euthanasia
Divine Code for December 14, 2022
Today: Pages 355-356
Part 5:1
There are four levels of intention for causing a person's death:
(a) One who kills intentionally from the outset. It is explained in Part I, Chapter 4, that in the Torah Law for a Gentile, if one would claim, ''I had no knowledge that this action was forbidden, since I did not learn about that,'' he is liable for his deliberate action and is considered as one who sinned intentionally, and he is liable to be judged in a court of law and punished for his transgression. The leniency for one tho never had an opportunity to learn does not apply for murder or theft, which are logically dictated (see Part I, topic 4:2). Therefore, a murderer who says, ''I did not know that it is forbidden to murder,'' is still liable for capital punishment before a court of law, just as a murderer who acted intentionally.
(b) A fatal accident due to such gross negligence that the liability is close to that of an intentional murder; i.e., if there was clearly a need for some precaution to be taken to avoid a fatal situation, yet it was not taken. In such a case, the negligent Gentile is judged in a Noahide court as an intentional murderer, and the permission for a blood redeemer clearly applies.
(c) A fatal accident in which a Gentile killed inadvertently, and without negligence, yet if he had been more careful and taken precaution to avert the cause of another person's accidental death, it could have been prevented. In this case, he is exempt from capital punishment in a court of law. Although a court should not apply capital punishment for one who kills unintentionally and without negligence, nevertheless, since causing a person's death is a very severe act, and this person did not take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the one who was killed, he needs to atone for his action. Therefore, there are cases in which a person who murders unintentionally is obligated go into exile to receive atonement (as explained in topic 4:1). Likewise, the permission for a blood-redeemer applies in a case of unintentional but preventable murderer.
(d) A completely unpreventable manslaughter, for which the outcome was completely unforeseeable in time for a person to take any precautions, and yet the death occurred through him; in such a case, he is exempt from any punishment.
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Brought By Sarah Bakker

Sarah Bakker is a blog writer and illustrator for the Noahide Academy. After a difficult time, she found Judaism. She has been a Noahide for many years and uses her experiences and knowledge combined with her creative talents to help others.
The Divine Code (Third Edition)
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