Supporting the ones who are helping us
By Patrick Cotroneo

In these troubling times, we can all relate in one way or another to the troubles people are going through. Whether spiritual, financial, or personal, we all want and need a person or place to turn to for support and guidance. I have experienced this many times in my life, and by the will of Hashem, I found the Noahide Academy of Israel, which is the one-stop shop for all of this. It isn’t that I don’t have friends or family to turn to, but oftentimes, you don’t want to trouble them with your burdens. I mean, they also have their burdens to deal with, right?
When I found the academy, I thought it was just a place to take some courses in learning the bible. I never thought it would be so much more than that. Yes, I do learn the bible by taking the courses available. Still, I also have a support system through other members worldwide who encourage me, answer my questions, and share their experiences of what they and their community/family are going through. It lets you know that you aren't alone and gives you the rewarding feeling of being there to support others. This and much more would not be available if it were not for the academy.
The academy is currently over 1200 strong. I am one of the newer members who joined just under a year ago. Like myself, I am sure that many of you have seen great things start happening in your life since discovering the academy. That is why I would like to ask you to join me in a campaign that the academy started.
About a month ago, the academy started a campaign to raise $1800. This campaign will help provide Kippahs to people all over the world. Even if you already have a Kippah, this is a great way to support the community here to support you, and it doesn’t take much. If each person donates only $2.00, then the goal is reached! Even during these difficult times, I believe this can be done. If you can do a little more, that would be fantastic! If you can’t, that’s okay, too. But if you can do something, not only will someone else be blessed, but you will be, too.
So, join me, and let's make this happen! We have 33 days left; the link is below.
Written by, Patrick Cotroneo
Student of the Noahide Academy of Israel.

Patrick is a Chassid Humot HaOlam who lives in Miamy, Florida with his family. He is a model student of the Noahdie Academy of Israel.
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