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Should a Noahide Wear a Kippah?

By Rabbi Moshe Perets

The Significance of Head Covering: Recognizing a Higher Power

The covering of the head is meant as a constant reminder that there is a power higher than human reason or understanding.

Even though human reason is what renders us pre-eminent among other creatures, the divine teachings nonetheless proclaim that this is not our greatest or most valuable capacity.

Aristotle's views notwithstanding, human reason is not what makes us divine. The highest power in humanity is the recognition of the Creator as a Being who utterly transcends reason — whom we call God — and before whom we are duty-bound to make our reason subservient and to humble ourselves.

The power of recognizing God and our subservience to Him can neutralize the instinctive desires that one might consider uncontrollable. This is the power that the kippah or head covering gives to those who wear it.

The covering of the head is thus a fitting symbol that distinguishes the wearer in a society where acting on desire and the pursuit of pleasure often define the meaning and value of life.

For Noahides, wearing a head covering can serve as a constant, tangible reminder of their commitment to the Seven Noahide Laws and their recognition of a higher power guiding their actions and decisions.

It symbolizes humility, respect, and a deep connection to the Creator, distinguishing them in a world that frequently prioritizes material desires over spiritual values.

If you would like to receive you too a Noahide Kippah and help other Noahides around the world to receive one as well, please help us launching this very First World-Wide Campaign printing of 500 Noahide Kippahs by making a Donation here.

Rabbi Moshe Perets is the President of the Noahide Academy of Israel, Founder and Executive Director of, the world’s largest Noahide informational website. He accomplished his Rabbinical Studies at the Chabad Yeshiva and his medical studies at the University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium.

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