Who Can a Noahide Marry?
Daily Study of the Noahide Code of Laws
By Sarah Bakker
The Divine Code for January 7, 2023
Today: Pages 404 - 405
Topic Chapter 1:6 - 1:9
The Torah Law itself did not forbid a Gentile man from marrying his daughter, but this has been rejected from Biblical times as a disgusting practice.
If a Gentile man divorces his wife or she dies, he may then marry her daughter from another man. In fact, a Gentile man (who is permitted within Torah Law to have multiple wives) may be married to a woman and her daughter (his step-daughter) at the same time, but it is an abomination.
Within Torah Law, a Gentile man may be married to a woman and her grand daughter (from her daughter or from her son).
By Sarah Bakker
Reading schedule of the Divine Code
Yesterday's Study Topic: 1:2 - 1:5
Tomorrow's Study Topic: 1:10 - 1:12
Curious about the whole page? You can read it in The Divine Code.
Sources: The Divine Code (4th edition) by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
Sarah Bakker is a blog writer and illustrator for the Noahide Academy. After a difficult time, she found Judaism. She has been a Noahide for many years and uses her experience and knowledge combined with her creative talents to help others.
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