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Living in Biblical Times, Today.

Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry

Does the Tanakh contain passages predicting events that are unfolding before our very eyes?

Does the enmity of the Arab world for the West and toward America in particular have something to do with the miraculous rebirth of the Jewish homeland and America’s embrace of it?

There is probably no greater religio-political issue facing Bible believers, Jew and non-Jew alike, than whether or not the re-establishment of the State of Israel is portentous in light of Scripture.

The hostility of Islamic fundamentalists toward Israel cannot be easily explained. Is there a Biblical source for this centuries-old conflict? How far will it go and how will it be resolved? These questions and many more are grist for the prophetic mill.

How America fits into Biblical prophecy is a huge hot button as well. American history seems to be saturated with Jewish influence and disproportionate attention seems to be given to this significant minority.

Does the Bible also forecast this phenomenon? As G-d said to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” (Genesis 12:3)

The second president of the United States, John Adams, declared toward the end of his life, “For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.” Harry Truman, the “Buck Stops Here” president, made good on Adams's best wishes by influencing his administration and the United Nations to approve the establishment of the Jewish State in 1948. Was the moral vision and clarity of these statesmen likewise predicted by Scripture? Or was it simply an issue of free choice?

— Rabbi Aaron Parry, Torch of Truth: Family of Nations’ Guide to Hebrew Scripture from a Jewish Perspective.

As I continue to update and expand upon his work, I am honored to share his wisdom with you all.

In our upcoming ladies 12 week course The Torch of Truth: Rediscovering the Bible from a Jewish Perspective for Former Christians we will share with you several fascinating passages that uncannily portend many historical events that have transpired and seem to loom heavily in the future.

Course Duration: 12 weeks

Schedule: Tuesdays at 12:30 PM (New York Time) and 7:30 PM (Israel Time)

Start: Tuesday 16.07.24

Platform: Live on Zoom Academy

Instructor: Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry

Join us for this transformative 12-week course, "Torch of Truth: Rediscovering the Bible from a Jewish Perspective for Former Christians." Engage in live, interactive sessions with Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya and explore the Hebrew Scriptures like never before.

Rebbeztin Eliora Chaya Parry


Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry is a dedicated educator living in Jerusalem, Mount Zion. As a teacher at the Noahide Academy of Israel, she specializes in guiding former christians in rediscovering the Bible through a Jewish perspective. Eliora Chaya's engaging teaching style and profound insights have inspired many to connect more deeply with their spiritual heritage.

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1 Comment

David Keller
Jul 16, 2024

Very well written article. I immediately had to look for an article on that I once read about the difference between Esav and Ishmael, in the process I found this audio class that I hope to be checking out soon: From my understanding, the best thing would be that the whole world would do a big Teshuva and then we could get on focussing on the important issues in life :).

Anchor 1

To Be a Noahide Today

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