Leo Yuwono, Ambassador and Director of the Noahide Movement in Indonesia

One of Noahide's Indonesia's commitments is: openness and positive contribution to Indonesian society.
Last year (2023), Moreh Leo as the leader of Bnei Noah Indonesia Community, was contacted by two students in the final stage of the undergraduate study program, majoring in Religious Studies from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, namely Gyrie (Giri) Purnama and Rama Permana. They stated their intention to make Bnei Noah, which is Judaism for the nations, a research topic in their thesis.
with open arms, Moreh Leo, representing the Indonesian Bnei Noah Community, received it enthusiastically and wholeheartedly helped these two young generations of Indonesia in conducting their research.
Their research on Bnei Noah Indonesia and Judaism was mainly conducted through interviews and face-to-face. They took the time to come to Jakarta, in order to get valid information directly from the source.

As a complement, Moreh Leo also provided the book Universal Ethics which has been translated into Indonesian, to be used as reference material and for deeper study of Torah teaching for the nations.
It is called Universal Ethics, because the teaching of the Torah for the nations, within the framework of the 7 Laws of Noah, is for all nations in the world.
Giri and Rama managed to complete their thesis and trial well, so this was a sweet ending to their graduation as graduates. With the characteristics of Indonesian culture which is very friendly and always respects and appreciates each other, Giri and Rama deliberately returned to Jakarta, on July 3 2024, to express their thanks in person, as well as present a plaque of thanks to Bnei Noah Indonesia, accompanied by wishes. so that the ties of friendship that have been formed through thesis research can continue.
The entire Bnei Noah Indonesia community welcomes it, and with the Grace of HASHEM, will continue to maintain this noble relationship.
Link to access their thesis page (in Bahasa Indonesia) :
Unity In Diversity !
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika !
By Leo Yuwono
Noahide Ambassador to Indonesia
Barukh Hashem ! For a better world and geulah sheleimah !