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I Want to Have Good Dreams! What Should I do?

And Pharaoh dreamed...and man can dream pleasantly at night or have a nightmare.

We have probably all experienced watching an overly exciting film before bed, which makes you sleep restlessly - at best - but all too often can lead to nightmares.

But the reverse is also true.

If you are engaged in Torah study and prayer before going to bed, you will sleep in with a peaceful soul and you will sleep better, perhaps receive pleasant dreams and wake up rested the next day.

When a righteous person has personal life questions - for example, whether he should change jobs, or whether he should marry a certain person or not - G-d can reveal the answer to the person in the heart or thoughts or in a dream.

If you wake up and a dream has troubled you you should always seek help from a rabbi in interpreting the correct meaning.

By Angelique Sijbolts


Angelique Sijbolts is one of the main writers for the Noahide Academy. She has been an observant Noahide for many years. She studies Torah with Rabbi Perets every week. Angelique invests much of her time in editing video-lectures for the Rabbis of the Academy and contributes in administrating the Academy's website in English and Dutch. She lives in the north of the Netherlands. Married and mother of two sons. She works as a teacher in a school with students with special needs. And is a Hebrew Teacher for the levels beginners and intermediate. She likes to walk, to read and play the piano.



The Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge by rabbi Moshe Weiner and dr. Michael Schulman


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