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How Muslim Indonesia is Changing for the Good with Leo Yuwono!

By Leo Yuwono

Indonesia is a country with rich diversity, and Noahide Indonesia, as a relatively new community understand the facts, hence need to build and foster a good and trusted relationship within and make this opportunity to spread the light of Torah to fellow Indonesian. One good opportunity offered by Generasi Literat to visit our community, and we don't wait for a second chance. Here's our story :

Diversity Hangout, a positive activity initiated by the young generation of Indonesia in Jakarta within the organization: Generasi Literat. This activity aims to better understand the diversity that exists in the social structure of Indonesian society, which includes culture, language, including beliefs. This Diversity Hangout was conducted face to face, where members of the Generasi Literat community visited the target community to have direct interaction.

In this 11th program, Generasi Literat chose Bnei Noah Indonesia Community to visit. Of course, we from the Bnei Noah Indonesian community accept this honor with open arms and joy. It was agreed that the hangout would be held on February 24 2024, taking place in one of the meeting rooms in the North Jakarta area, because our community does not yet have a secretariat.

After the opening, the event began with an exchange of souvenirs, where the Literat Generation gave a certificate of participation in the Diversity Hangout and 3 books by the Literat Generation to the Indonesian Bnei Noah community, and the Indonesian Bnei Noah Community gave the Universal Ethics Book, which is a translation of the Universal Ethics Book written by Rabbi. Dr. Shimon D. Cowen, one of the Rabbis who oversees and teaches Bnei Noah Indonesia.

The event continued with a presentation from Moreh Leo Yuwono, regarding what Bnei Noah Indonesia is, what is the basis of our beliefs (In which Torah under the Framework of the 7 Laws of Noah).

After the presentation, participants were given the opportunity to conduct questions and answers, to better understand the presentation that had just been presented.

The climax of this event was: Personal reflection from each participant in the Lihat Dengar Rasakan format -translated : See, Listen, Feel, they wrote down the impressions they got after participating in this event, especially after interacting with this new community. Some of their writings are really encouraging :

"Happy to interact with the Bnei Noah Indonesia community"

"So it adds to diversity in Indonesia"


"So I now know the Hebrew letters and how to read them"

"Now I'm exposed to the teachings of the Torah, and I'm no longer afraid"

The event closed with the distribution of Universal Ethics books (the Indonesian translation) to all participants of Generasi Literat, group photos and lunch together.

Find this article in Bahasa Indonesia.

By Leo Yuwono,

Noahide Ambassador to Indonesia


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To Be a Noahide Today

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