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Do You Suffer from Rip Van Winkle-like Amnesia?

Dear Global Family,

Anyone in our interconnected network of nations who hasn’t heard of the Bible by the time they’ve reached adulthood is suffering from Rip Van Winkle-like amnesia. However, being on the world’s bestseller list for the last 3,300 years doesn’t mean that most of humankind truly understands what's in it. Most books published on Holy Scriptures are written from the perspective of the intelligentsia, biblical critics, philosophers, or men and women of non-Jewish clergy.  Few, if any, singular works offer a uniquely Jewish perspective and overview of the entire body of Jewish Scriptures. (The best ones are mentioned in Appendix B in the back of this book.)

From Abraham’s pioneering revelations in the Holy Land, Joshua’s vanquishing the Canaanites, and Samson’s epic battles with the Philistines; to the harpist King David's heartfelt pining for G-d in his Psalms, Solomon’s poignant parables and pithy proverbs, and Isaiah’s messianic visions, this Torch of Truth: Family of Nations’ Guide to Hebrew Scripture from Jewish Perspective humbly attempts to give you a taste of true Jewish Scripture.

Language barriers tend to lead to misunderstandings, disputes, and even religious tensions. The source of Judaism, Hebrew Scripture, suffers from just such a barrier. Studying Scripture in the original Holy Tongue, Lashon HaKodesh is-indispensable for clear comprehension and proper context. I encourage you to find an appropriate teacher or course where you can master at least a working knowledge of biblical Hebrew.

One other caveat: There are two basic approaches to a passage of Scripture. There are those who examine Scripture with the belief that “what you see is what you get.” Thus, if it is not implicit from the narration, then it is not part of the story on any level. This is a very superficial approach that leads to misconceptions and erroneous understanding. The other approach—based on a well-established tenet of Judaism—is that a Scriptural verse can be understood on several deeper levels that are only knowable from a carefully preserved oral tradition where context, linguistic nuance, and even Jewish law are all taken into consideration.

My hope is that-you will find this work consistent with the concept that Jewish Scripture is like the proverbial iceberg. That is, the eye can perceive only 10 percent of the total mass, while the far greater portion is concealed beneath the surface. As King David said, “Your Torah judgments are always fair. They are firm like mountains, deep like the sea ....” (Psalms 36:7) Accordingly, even a book that attempts the daunting task of providing an overview is by force of circumstances offering only a glimpse of the real thing. If I have been successful in capturing the gist of the timeless wisdom of Jewish Scripture as portrayed by its holy prophets, then my limited mission will have been successful. It is nonetheless up to you to complete the task by delving deeper into the profound eternal treasures found in its exquisite depths.

Rabbi Aaron Parry

Course Duration: 12 weeks

Schedule: Tuesdays at 12:30 PM (New York Time) and 7:30 PM (Israel Time)

Start: Tuesday 16.07.24

Platform: Live on Zoom Academy

Instructor: Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry

Join us for this transformative 12-week course, "Torch of Truth: Rediscovering the Bible from a Jewish Perspective for Former Christians." Engage in live, interactive sessions with Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya and explore the Hebrew Scriptures like never before.

Eliorah Chaya Parry


Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry is a dedicated educator living in Jerusalem, Mount Zion. As a teacher at the Noahide Academy of Israel, she specializes in guiding former christians in rediscovering the Bible through a Jewish perspective. Eliora Chaya's engaging teaching style and profound insights have inspired many to connect more deeply with their spiritual heritage.

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