Benny Friedman - Хорошо - Charasho - בני פרידמן - חראשו
I see the sun come up this morning
I hear my children laughing as they play
The trees start singing without warning
It's gonna be a wonderful day
You know I got no patience for complaining
To stop and kvetch 'bout all the bills I have to pay
Cause even when there should be sunshine but it's raining
My feet will dance me to the kretchma anyway
So מה נשמע? !’ברוך ה
Как дела? !’ברוך ה
The blessings, they're coming
But you keep on running
Just stop! and sing! раз два три! (one, two, three!)
хорошо хорошо слава Богу хорошо
Life is good Life is great It's a chance to celebrate
хорошо хорошо It's a party, it's a ball
And ain't nothin' gonna get me down at all
хорошо хорошо слава Богу хорошо
Life is good Life is great אויף צו להכעיס all the hate
хорошо хорошо It's a party, it's a ball
And these three little words they say it all
хорошо хорошо хорошо хорошо слава Богу хорошо,
слава Богу слава Богу хорошо
So if it happens that you're starting to feel dreary
Or if your pot of borscht has gotten burnt
Before you go and start to get all sad and teary
There's a very special lesson to be learned
Because not only when the sun is out and shining
Or when you're acing everything you try to do
The Master Plan is more than just a silver lining
It's a golden world created just for you וואָס מאַכט אַ איד?
!’ברוך ה So how are the kids?
!’ברוך ה We hope for the day
When the whole world will stand up and say
хорошо хорошо слава Богу хорошо
From the bottom of my heart
From the finish to the start хорошо хорошо
Life is holy, life is pure
And every note I sing it's
You I'm singing for хорошо хорошо слава Богу хорошо
For the blessings in my life
For my אשת חיל wife хорошо хорошо
Every hour, every day
Every breath I have I'll use only to say хорошо
When your heart begins to dance хорошо
Every breath's another chance хорошо хорошо слава Богу хорошо, слава Богу слава Богу хорошо хорошо хорошо слава Богу хорошо Здесь друзья и семья, Время праздновать пришло! Хорошо, хорошо Жить, любить, смеяться, петь! И не просто жить, А очень хорошо!
By Benny Friedman
Composed by: Yitzy Waldner
Written by: Benny Friedman, Aliza Spiro, Mottel Friedman, Julia Miroshnichenko
Song Directed by: Avram Zamist
Musical Production by: Daniel Kapler