Be Wholehearted with Hashem Your G-d
“You shall be wholehearted with Hashem your G-d” (Deuteronomy 18:13).
R’ Pinchas of Koretz pointed out that the expression “with Hashem” only appears in scripture in the context of the trait of being wholehearted and when it comes to humility (Micha 6:8).
He explained that when it comes to these traits in particular, it is possible for people to fool others into thinking that he possesses them. He can act with a pretense of trusting in G-d and being disinterested in honor with no one being able to see through his deception. That’s why these two verses have the expression “with Hashem your G-d” – because only He is able to penetrate the hearts of people to know what character traits they truly have.
By Rabbi Michael Skobac
Rabbi Michael Skobac had been involved with Jews for Judaism (Canada) since 1989 and currently serves as its Director of Education and Counselling. He is a leading authority on missionaries, cults and issues relating to Jewish continuity and Jewish spirituality. Rabbi Skobac's publications include Missionary Impossible; Counter-Missionary Survival Guide; The DaVinci Code: A Jewish Perspetive; and Intermarriage: Is There Ligth at teh End of the Tunnel?
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Republished by Angelique Sijbolts with permission for the Noahide Academy.