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Warning: This sensitive topic speaks about abortion

Divine Code for November 26, 2022

Today: Pages 316-317

Part 1:8 -- 1:10

One who hits a pregnant woman an kills her embryo, or a doctor who performs an abortion by which the embryo cannot possibly live, or a doctor who gives the mother medicine for the purpose of aborting the embryo or killing it in place, or a pregnant woman who did this herself, are all liable to be punished for murder in a court of law. However, one who hits a woman in another area of her body, which cause her to weaken and subsequently miscarry, is not liable in a court unless he has intention with his action to cause the miscarriage, and the miscarriage was inevitably a result of the blow (see topic 5:7 below). One who hires a doctor to perform an abortion is considered as one who hires a mercenary to kill, and this is punishable by G-d.

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Brought By Sarah Bakker


Sarah Bakker is a blog writer and illustrator for the Noahide Academy. After a difficult time, she found Judaism. She has been a Noahide for many years and uses her experiences and knowledge combined with her creative talents to help others.



The Divine Code (Third Edition)


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