Lech-Lecha: Doing for the sake of heaven or the sake of reward?
In this Torah portion, Lech-Lecha, the theme of reward and retribution for a good deed is discussed. After his great victory over the four kings, G-d told Abraham, "Do not be afraid, Abram... your reward is very great." Rashi, one of the prominent commentators, interprets this as follows: Abraham's concern was that he may have already received his reward for all his righteousness. To calm him, G-d reassured him: "Why are you worried about receiving your reward - your reward is very great."
It is clear that Abraham served his Creator completely for the sake of heaven, as an ‘act of love.’ Maimonides defines what it means to serve out of love: “One engages in Torah and commandments... not to inherit good, but does the truth because it is true.” He adds that this was "the virtue of…
Thank you for this, this very beautifully written and really talks to my soul.