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Noahide Fellowship

ציבורי·1335 חברים

Mishpatim: The Prohibition of Sorcery in Modern Days

In this Torah portion the prohibition of witchcraft is described. "A sorceress, you shall not keep alive"(Exodus 22:17). The sages say that this type of bad inclination, consulting a sorcerer, was powerful and hard to get rid of. The reason for this prohibition is because it was practiced and part of idol worship.

If one recognizes that there is a spiritual force that has an impact on this world and starts to use it, the danger is that one might think that there is a separate force and energy, independent of G‑d, through which the world can be manipulated. This approach is the source of idolatry. Impure forces such as evil eye and other things of that nature, the Talmud states that if one does not believe in them, then they actually cease to exist. Therefore, by distancing people from the belief that magic and sorcery works, that in itself causes it not to work.

The first Noahide commandment is: Not to worship idols. Seeking external help to achieve various things, whether it be medical, marital or livelihood problems, is not allowed. Consulting with sorcerers reflects a lack of trust in G-d and His ability to help protect and guide. The Torah emphasizes faith and trust in G-d as the sole supreme power, there is no other.

Belief in sorcery can weaken a person and cause dependence on impure forces such as witchcraft instead of developing trust in the Creator. Reading the future through astrology, divination, cards, or spells, amulets, and various mystical methods as well as contact with the spirits of the deceased or other entities, are not permissible. The Rambam (Maimonides) says that these practices are ineffective and constitute a waste of time and money.

The prohibition of witchcraft reminds us to strengthen faith in G-d and to trust Him. One should avoid consulting with sorcerers and witches of various kinds, and remember that the only true solutions lie in action, prayer, and trust in the Creator and His Divine Providence.

Source: Rambam Laws of Idolatry 11:16. Exodus 22:17.

Rabbi Moshe Bernstein is the author of the book:

Light Onto the Torah Portions

Insights on the Torah portions for Noahides.

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