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Noahide Fellowship

ציבורי·1335 חברים

New Online Course for Bnei Noah

Available Now at the Noahide Academy

Online Course

47 צפיות

 Terumah: The Power of Giving

The Torah describes G-d commanding the Israelites to give contributions ("terumah") for the Tabernacle's construction, using the phrase "And they shall take for Me a contribution" (Exodus 25:2). This phrasing is unusual, as it's the people who are giving, not taking. How can a mandatory contribution, even taken by force, be considered a gift given willingly "for G-d's sake,"? Does forced giving align with the requirement that giving be "for Me—for My name?

Even a mandatory contribution can become a voluntary act through proper intention. If the giver, despite the obligation, gives with a willing heart and a sincere desire to fulfill God's command, the act becomes a voluntary offering. Even the forced contribution can be considered "for G-d's sake" if one recognizes the importance of it.

While charity isn't explicitly listed among the Seven Noahide Laws, it is considered a righteous act, and also, implied by the general principle…

44 צפיות

Mishpatim: The Prohibition of Sorcery in Modern Days

In this Torah portion the prohibition of witchcraft is described. "A sorceress, you shall not keep alive"(Exodus 22:17). The sages say that this type of bad inclination, consulting a sorcerer, was powerful and hard to get rid of. The reason for this prohibition is because it was practiced and part of idol worship.

If one recognizes that there is a spiritual force that has an impact on this world and starts to use it, the danger is that one might think that there is a separate force and energy, independent of G‑d, through which the world can be manipulated. This approach is the source of idolatry. Impure forces such as evil eye and other things of that nature, the Talmud states that if one does not believe in them, then they actually cease to exist. Therefore, by distancing people from the belief that magic and sorcery works, that in itself…

60 צפיות

Sign the Petition

Shalom to all!

I would like to ask from each one here in our Noahide Fellowship Group to please sign our Petition to President Trump to Support the Chabad Rabbis in the US and around the World to be accessible to the larger Noahide Community Bezrat Hashem!

122 צפיות

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