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Foundations of Faith for Noahides 101 Free Course

  • 41 שלבים
  • 202 משתתפים
משלימים את התוכנית ומקבלים תעודה.
כל מי שישלים את כל שלבי התוכנית יקבל תג.




About this Course: This is a fundamental course for every person starting his spiritual path with the Torah's Noahide Code. Skill level: Beginner Level Languages: English Description: Have you always belied in G-d? Have you been disappointed by the "religion (s)" you grew up with? Do you want to renew your personal relationship with your Creator? Are you seeking to renew your connection with the Jewish People? Perhaps you have heard of the 7 Noahides Laws and want to learn and start implementing them in your life? Perhaps you did not yet had the opportunity to learn it from the World Expert Rabbis from Israel? So this is the right Course for you. What will you learn during this course? 1. The source of the Seven Universal Commandments; 2. Monotheism according to Torah; 3. Prophecy according to Torah and fundamentals of the faith according to Torah; 4. The universal significance of Mount Sinai; 5. The Torah of Moses; 7. The prohibition against “making up new religions” and the falsification of God’s Words; 9. Practical examples about Jewish commandments witch may be observed by everybody; 10. Religious concepts for deepening a personal relationship with God; 11. The concept of the Jewish Sabbath; 12. About your way to connect to God through the Jewish Torah including; Torah study parameters for Noahides. 13. Prayer according to the Jewish Sages. 14. How to Pray and Specific intentions in Prayer. 15.Blessings before and after eating and drinking. 16. Special blessings over bread and wine. 17. The 3300 years old Grace after Meals. 18. Whats kind of traits of character God expects from a person. 19. How is the return to one’s original identity. Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? No Features: Available on iOS and Android

אתם יכולים להצטרף לקורס הזה גם מהאפליקציה לנייד. עברו אל האפליקציה



דיון קבוצתי

הקורס הזה מחובר לקבוצה. אתם תתווספו אליה ברגע שתצטרפו לקורס.

Noahide Fellowship

Noahide Fellowship

Public1,335 חברי מועדון


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