Purim: Divine Salvation Comes Naturally
Purim is the most joyful day of the year and it also has a message that continues throughout the ages. Although the Purim story does not feature any visible miracles, G-d actively guides events in subtle ways. This holiday shows how divine providence is a part of our daily lives and how we need only to be willing to acknowledge it. It celebrates the joy of G-d’s involvement in all aspects of our lives.
Purim is a salvation that followed the Jews’ commitment not to worship idols. The miracle of Purim sparked a powerful spiritual awakening among Jews and many non-Jews. Many nations were drawn closer to the Torah and Judaism. This event was, in some ways, even more profound than the covenant at Mount Sinai, where the Jews’ acceptance of the Torah was almost an imposed response to the supreme spiritual experience of the giving of the Torah. On Purim, by contrast, the acceptance of G-d’s authority and commandments came from their free will and inner decision.
The eternal lesson learned from Purim is that attempts to destroy the Jewish people, that are motivated by hatred and idolatry, are doomed to failure. Just as Haman’s plot was defeated by divine intervention, so too will any modern effort to eliminate the Jewish people, carried out by the forces of evil and violence, surely fail.
Purim's message is relevant to Noahides as well. It teaches us that even when events appear to be unfolding naturally, divine providence is at work, ensuring the survival and victory of those who follow G-d’s will by keeping His commandments. Awareness of this divine providence is the positive side of the first Noahide Commandment: not to worship idols. Those who seek to destroy must learn from history and recognize the futility of their efforts.
Throughout the world, many Noahides strive to live the Seven Noahide Laws. Strengthening their commitment to these commandments can bring salvation to themselves and to the world at large. This salvation is achieved not through harsh decrees, as at the time of the Megillah, but through free choice to do good, by carrying out G-d’s will through the Seven Noahide commandments.
Source: Tractate Shabbat page 88:a. Rambam Guide for the Perplexed Part 3.
Rabbi Moshe Bernstein is the author of the book:
Light Onto the Torah Portions
Insights on the Torah portions for Noahides.