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Noahide Fellowship

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Tetzaveh: Selfless Devotion-The Essence of True Leadership

True leadership transcends giving and receiving. It demands complete self-sacrifice, rising above personal concerns to identify wholly with the needs and aspirations of those being led. A genuine leader is willing to give up everything, even their very existence, for the sake of G-d and the benefit of their people.

Moses, our teacher, the ultimate leader, exemplifies this selfless devotion. He pleaded with G-d, "If You would, forgive their sin. And if not, please obliterate me from the book You have written." This profound statement demonstrates Moshe's willingness to sacrifice not only his life but also his soul for the sake of his people. 

This level of commitment distinguishes Moses from other righteous figures like Noah and Avraham. Noah, though righteous himself, focused primarily on his own salvation. Avraham actively sought to inspire others, yet his prayers were limited to "the righteous." Moses, our teacher, however, extended his concern to every individual, even those who had strayed from the path. Just as Moses served as a paradigm of selfless leadership.  

So too should a Noahide leader act, however, he does not have to sacrifice himself as Moses did, as Noahides are not obligated to give up their life for something (except the situation where someone is forcing another to murder, one should not murder at any cost). A true Noahide leader acts with integrity, rising above self-interest and political maneuvering. Their focus remains steadfast only on fulfilling G-d's will by establishing a just society based on the Seven Noahide Laws.

A Noahide leader should educate for justice, fairness, and respect for the value of real life with closeness to G-d. They are responsible to inspire others to fulfil the seven Noahide laws and create a just world. Noahide leaders must be deeply committed to the well-being of all. This emerging generation of leaders will guide Noahides towards a future of redemption for all humanity.

Source: Likutei Sichos Vol. 21 page 173.

Brought by Rabbi Moshe Bernstein the author of the book:

Light Onto the Torah Portions insights on the Torah Portions for Noahides

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