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Noahide Fellowship

Public·1319 membres

Mishpatim: The Prohibition of Sorcery in Modern Days

In this Torah portion the prohibition of witchcraft is described. "A sorceress, you shall not keep alive"(Exodus 22:17). The sages say that this type of bad inclination, consulting a sorcerer, was powerful and hard to get rid of. The reason for this prohibition is because it was practiced and part of idol worship.

If one recognizes that there is a spiritual force that has an impact on this world and starts to use it, the danger is that one might think that there is a separate force and energy, independent of G‑d, through which the world can be manipulated. This approach is the source of idolatry. Impure forces such as evil eye and other things of that nature, the Talmud states that if one does not believe in them, then they actually cease to exist. Therefore, by distancing people from the belief that magic and sorcery works, that in itself…

33 vues
Rabbi Moshe Perets


Founder & Director

Sign the Petition

Shalom to all!

I would like to ask from each one here in our Noahide Fellowship Group to please sign our Petition to President Trump to Support the Chabad Rabbis in the US and around the World to be accessible to the larger Noahide Community Bezrat Hashem!

104 vues
David Keller
Il y a 6 jours

Signed, I hope the European Union and Germany will follow suit.

Jethro: Honor your father and your mother (Exodus 20:11)

The Torah says that there are three partners in the creation of man - his father and mother who give birth to him and the Holy One, blessed be He, who gives him soul. The sages say that respecting G-d and respecting parents are somewhat parallel. The question is why these commandments are equated?

In ancient times  people saw the sun and the moon, the stars and the constellations, and said, since the Lord created them and raised them to the heights and bestowed honor on them - they are worthy of praise, glory and worship. When they saw that G-d forbade them to worship them, they said: "He demands this for His honor," as if the Creator was jealous of them and did not want them to honor anyone but Him. But when they saw that the Creator commanded to honor father and mother, they understood that the prohibition…

54 vues
Rabbi Moshe Perets


Founder & Director

New Year of Trees

Is this Wednesday night (15th of Shvat - 12.02.25)

See here how to celebrate!

78 vues
David Keller
10 feb

Thank you for this, will be useful for this year's celebration.

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