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Even HaEzer - Precious Stone of Helping - First Sunday

Sun, Nov 12


Zoom Live Lecture with the Rabbi

Join Live Our Rabbis Lectures for the first Sunday on October 15th at 1pm Israel Time

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Even HaEzer - Precious Stone of Helping - First Sunday
Even HaEzer - Precious Stone of Helping - First Sunday

Time & Location

Nov 12, 2023, 1:00 AM – 5:00 AM

Zoom Live Lecture with the Rabbi

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NoahideAcademyNoahide Yeshiva “Even HaEzer” “The Precious Stone of Helping”Expertise and Qualification in Marital LawsStudy Program By Live Video ConferencesThe Highest Quality Course for Noahides on Daily Laws and Expertise.We invite you to “Even HaEzer" - Qualification on Marital Laws Ordination, which determines that the Noahide is capable of observing Torah Marital laws, give advice in his community in maters regarding Shalom Bait - Marital Peace, and perform Noahide Weddings.

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These Lectures take start on the 15th of October 2023 and take place on Sunday afternoons for 3 hours.Noahide Online YeshivaEven HaEzer Study Program October - December 2023

What?    Full Study Program Online on the Torah Laws for Noahides.                Live Classes with 3 Rabbis from the Noahide Academy of Israel. 

                3 Month Program.

How?     Through Zoom 

When?   Sunday Afternoons from 13:00 PM:  Israel Time

                Start of First Week Sunday 15th of October 2023 


Get a Final Certificate – Even HaEzer – Becoming Expert on Marital Laws  

                                                                         Signed by the 3 Rabbis for the 3 Month Program


Full Payment – $480* [ or monthly payments of $160 ]

                                         [ or weekly payments of $40 ]

*If you live in low income country ($1-5 /h like Phillipines, Venezuella, certain African countries etc) or have an personal difficult situation please contact the Program Director, Rabbi Moshe Perets for a special reduction by email at We want this Program to be available to everyone Bezrat HaSHem.

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Free Pre-Registration has already started: 16.07-13.08 2023By Sending an email to noahideinfo@gmail.comProgram Contents

Lecture 1

13:45 – 14:45

Halacha 103

Rabbi Moshe Bernestein​

Lecture 1: Precepts Relating to Marriage and The Prohibition of Forbidden Relations.

Lecture 2: Categories of Sexual Partners who are Forbidden.

Lecture 3: Categories of Sexual Acts which are Forbidden.

Lecture 4: The Prohibition of Homosexual and Bestial Relations

Lecture 5: The Prohibition of Relations with Other Men’s Wives and Marital Status of Minors

Lecture 6: Precepts related to Adultery by a Gentile with a Jewess. Marriage of an Enslaved Woman.

Lecture 7: Partners with Whom there can be no Status of Marriage.

Lecture 8: Precepts Related to Marriage, Fornication and Divorce.

Lecture 9: Precepts Related to Spilling Semen and Contraception.

Lecture 10: Guarding against Forbidden Relations.

Lecture 11: Following Ways of Modesty.

Lecture 12: Prohibitions Related to Being Alone with a Forbidden Partner.



Lecture 2

15:00 – 16:00

Noahide History 101

Rabbi Yermihau Bindman

Lecture 1: The Torah has a Place for Noahides; Six Commandments in the Garden; Noah the Just Man among lawbreakers. A Sacrifice and a Covenant.


Lecture 2: The Tower of Babel, a Sin of Idolatry. The Creation of Different Languages. Shem and Ever teach the Seven Laws. The Patriarchs and the Seven Laws; Moses and the Giving of the Law; a Greek attack on the Seven Laws; Chanukah; “Godfearers” in the Greek and Roman worlds; the emperor Julian and the Seven Laws.


Lecture 3: Destruction of the Temple; rise of ch’ristianity; The Seven Laws submerged; pockets of “ Judaizers”; Reformation and interest in the Seven Laws; Dialogue in Holland; the Seven Laws and the foundation of America.


Lecture 4: The quest of Aime Palliere, a 19th Centure Noahide


Lecture 5: Freedom and “commandments”; United States and Congress resolves that the Seven Laws are the “bedrock of civilization”; simple laws anyone can understand.


Lecture 6: The Seven Laws listed; no obligation to Convert to Judaism; the Kabbalah and the Ten Sefirot; the seven emotional attributes and the Seven Emotional Sefirot.


Lecture 7: The commandment against sexual misconduct; relationship of this commandment to chessed or “kindness”; prohibition against incest, adultery; the value of Marriage; rules for marriage; prohibition of homosexuality; rules for divorce; rules for polygamy; AIDS; different natures for men and women; the importance of boundaries.


Lecture 8: Sexual immorality as « joking » ; sexual misconduct and depression; the repugnant sin of incest; the ridiculous sin of bestiality; the accepted sin of homosexual behavior; the common sin of adultery; real intimacy; relation of this commandments to the color blue.


Lecture 9: The commandment against murder, relationship of the commandment to gevurah or “strength”; the obligation of capital punishment; permitted forms of capital punishment; prohibition against amputation and scarring as punishment; prohibition against abortion except to save the mother’s life; military defense; prohibition against euthanasia; prohibition against suicide; relationship of this commandment to the color red.


Lecture 10: The commandment against theft; the first sin in the garden; relationship of this commandment to tiferet or ”beauty”; ownership as power to act in a Godly way; definition of theft; property transactions; usury and the great misunderstanding; slavery; concealed theft; effect of theft on the personality; unfair gain and rules for business transactions; relationship to the color yellow.


Lecture 11: The commandments against idolatry and blasphemy;relationship of these commandments to netsach “eternity” and hod ”glory”; Ha|Shem’s rulership and love; how the world slipped into idol worship; non-Jewish world” religions” as a step up from idolatry.


Lecture 12: The trouble with intermediaries; Nazism and the generation of te flood; communism and the generation of the tower of Babel; the defeat of Nazism and communism; why HaShem allows misdeeds; superstitious beliefs’ astrology’ palmistry; direct contact with divinity; Jewish Festivals.

Lecture  3

16:15 – 17:15

Tanakh 403

Rabbi Baruch Simcha

Lecture 1: Vayikra - Leviticus 1:1-5:26


Lecture 2: Tzav - Leviticus 6:1-8:36


Lecture 3: Shemini - Leviticus 9:1–11:47


Lecture 4: Tazria - Leviticus 12:1-13:59


Lecture 5: Metzora - Leviticus 14:1–15:33


Lecture 6: Acharei Mot - Leviticus 16:1–18:30


Lecture 7: Kedoshim - Leviticus 19:1–20:27


Lecture 8: Emor - Leviticus 21:1–24:23


Lecture 9: Behar - Leviticus 25:1-26:2


Lecture 10: Bechukotai - Leviticus 26:3-27:34


Lecture 11: Bamidbar - Numbers 1:1–4:20


Lecture 12: Naso - Numbers 4:21–7:89

Rabbi Moshe Perets

Program Coordinator

Rabbi Moshe Bernestein

Teaches Halacha

Rabbi Yermihau Bindman

Teaches History

Rabbi Baruch Simcha

Teaches Tanakh

Pre-Payed Registrations: $35 Start on 20.08 - 17.09.2023

Ever HaEzer – Laws on Marital Relationships

Third Trimester - 15.10.23 - 25.12.23


“The Precious Stone of Helping” is the third part of the Online Noahide Yeshiva Study Cycles on the Code of Law for Noahides, the compendium of Torah Law for Gentiles applicable today, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner in 2012 (5573).


The origin of the name “Even HaEzer” is in Parashat Tetzaveh, which describes the garments of the “Kohen Gadol,” the High Priest, which included a breastplate on which there were set columns [“Turim”] of precious stones, and the word for “stone” or “precious stone” in Hebrew is “Even.”


The first woman, Chava, is described in Parashat Bereshit as “Eizer K’negdo,” a “Helper appropriate for Him.” The word for “Helper” is “Eizer.” Combining the two gives “Even HaEzer,” “The Precious Stone of Helping,” describing the beneficial role a wife plays for her husband, and indicating clearly that marriage is the most desirable state for a human being.


“Even HaEzer” for Noahides contains 105 Laws dealt within 7 chapters. They include, among others, the Mitzvah of Marriage, forbidden partners and acts, How a Man acquires a Wife, Mutual Obligations between Husband and Wife, and a discussion of the Laws of Divorce, the way to dissolve a Marriage if that becomes necessary.


The basic Marital Laws Ordination, determines that the Noahide has in his Marriage and family life as well as in his community the knowledge on how to apply these Torah laws (if needed in communication with a Rabbi).


The mastery of this Section of the “Noahide Code,” makes the person: “Qualified to Implement & Counsel in Noahide Marriage.”


More advanced Dayan Ordination (next 3 Cycles) requires mastery of “Choshen HaMishpat” there the formulation is “Yadin, Yadin” – “He is qualified to judge.”

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