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Academic Studies Program
on Noahide Studies for Universities

Academic Value: 20 CREDITS = 320 Hours


36 Weeks / 9 Weekly Hours of Academic Work 


Cost $2010


(3 CREDITS = 48 hours of academic work)




Year 1 = Unit 1 (10 Credits) + Unites 2-3-4 (10 Credits) = 20 CREDITS


Year 2 = Unit 1 (5 Credits) + Unites 5-6-7 = 11 credits



  • Unit 1 : Divine Code :  15 Credits

  • Unit 2 : Gate of Unity and Faith: 4.5 CREDITS

  • Unit 3 : Philosophy for Gentiles in 7 Gates  3.75 CREDITS

  • Unit 4 : Chumash: Bereshit and Noah  = 24 hours =  1.5 CREDITS

  • Unit 5 : Rambam : 24 hours =  1.5 CREDITS

  • Unit 6 : Principles of Education : 48 hours = 3 CREDITS

  • Unit 7: Universal Ethics (S.Cowen)  = 24 hours =  1.5 CREDITS

  • Unit 8: Philosophy and Ethics  (S.Cowen)  : 24 hours =  1.5 CREDITS

  • Unit 9 : Politics and Universal Ethics  (S.Cowen) : 48 hours = 3 CREDITS

  • Unit 10 : Psychology and Ethics  (S.Cowen) : 24 hours = 1.5 CREDITS

  • Unit 11 : Aesthetics and the Divine : 24 hours = 1.5 CREDITS

  • Unit 12 : Social Answers to Homosexuality and Abortion : 48 hours = 3CREDITS

  • Unit 13 : Leadership : 24 hours = 1.5 CREDITS

  • Unit 14: The History of the Noahide Code : 24 hours = 1.5 CREDITS

  • Unit 15 Inner- dimensions of the Noahide Code : 48 hours = 3 CREDITS



TOTAL Units 2-7 =  15.75 CREDITS

Universal Torah Minor with 18 Credits : 4 Courses (UT101-UT102-UT103-UT104)







Fundamentals of Faith (UT101)- The Foundations of the Noahide Code


6 Credits

24 Units

12 Weeks


Inner Dimensions of Torah (UT102) - The Gate of Unity and Faith


3 Credits

12 Units

12 Weeks


Seven Gates of Divine Knowledge (UT103) - Torah Philosophy for the Nations


6 Credits

21 Units

12 Weeks


Biblical Exegesis (UT104) – Genesis and Noah Decoding of Hidden Universal



3 Credits

10 Units

10 Weeks

The History of the Noahide Code (UT 105)

3 Credits

12 Units

12 Weeks

The 13 Principles of Faith (Maimonides) (UT 106)

3 Credits

12 Units

12 Weeks

The Spiritual Path for Bnei Noah(UT 107)

6 Credits

18 Units

12 Weeks

Expertise in the Laws of Idol Worship(UT 108)

3 Credits

12 Units

12 Weeks

Expertise in the Laws Honoring G.ds Name(UT 109)

3 Credits

12 Units

12 Weeks

Expertise in the Laws of Respecting All Living Creatures (UT 110)

3 Credits

12 Units

12 Weeks

Expertise in the Laws of Respecting Human Life (UT 111)

3 Credits

12 Units

12 Weeks

Expertise in the Laws of Family Unity(UT 112)

3 Credits

12 Units

12 Weeks

Expertise in the Laws of Commercial Transactions (UT 113)

3 Credits

12 Units

12 Weeks




Welcome to this Introduction to the Torah’s Laws and Faith for Humanity – based on the 7 Commandments for the Children of Noah (the "Noahide" Commandments), through which Gentiles (all Non-Jews) accomplish their part in bringing peace and righteousness to the world.




Rabbi Moshe Perets, Rabbinical Studies and MD at the Brussels Medical School and Stem Cell Research Department - Hebrew University, Jerusalem;

Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Jerusalem, author of Sheva Mitzvot Hashem (in Hebrew) and The Divine Code (in English) as the authorized "Shulchan Aruch" for the Noahide Code;Rabbi Assi Harel, Rabbinical Teacher in Tsfat, Israel.




These courses cover the Torah’s Seven Universal Commandments and their details in Torah Law (Halacha), as well as their inner spiritual dimensions. These apply for all Gentiles (Non-Jews), who in the language of Torah are called "B'nei Noach" or descendants of Noah (Noahides). Students will be expected to fully grasp the subjects taught and learn how Gentiles can implement these principles into their everyday personal and professional lives. The subjects taught are:


Unit 1: Foundations of the Noahide Code (a) The Fundamentals of the Faith

(b) The 13 Principles of Faith by the Rambam

(c) Torah Study Parameters Gentiles

(d) Prayer and Blessings for Gentiles

Unit 2: Inner Spiritual Dimensions: The Gate of Unity and Faith

Unit 3: The Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge

Unit 4: Rabbinical Exegesis of Geneses and Noah





These courses will be taught through a variety of instructional methods: live on-line weekly lectures, 3 times a week; watching on-line videos; reading and analyzing classic and contemporary texts; supplementary instructional materials; and written assignments and on-line assessments.


 The courses provide an introduction to the modern international Noahide movement, and the origins and foundations of the Noahide Code. Major subjects include Original Monotheism, Torah Study for Gentiles, Prayer and Benedictions, the Inner Spiritual Dimensions of the 7 Universal Commandments, Rabbinical Exegesis on the Torah Portions of Genesis and Noah, Torah Values for Interactions Between People, Establishing the Bond Between a Person and G-d, and a Person's Spiritual Self-Understanding.


Core texts include The Divine Code and the Book of Genesis with the explanations by Rashi. These are supplemented with various works and teachings by Rabbinic scholars circa 2000 years ago until the present day. Students will conduct careful reading of the texts, applying research skills to analyze and clearly identify the meaning and message of the teachings.




The courses comprise four means of instruction, with a minimum of 320 hours expected. Students can plan on completing the course over a 2 semester period. However, they have seventy-six weeks in which to complete the course requirements.




The four means of instruction are: 1. Live On-line Lectures: Most lectures will be given by Rabbi Moshe Perets and Rabbi Assi Harel. The Video Recorded Lectures are given by Rabbi Moshe Weiner. Special Topical Lectures will be given by Dr. Michael Schulman. 2. Video Lectures and Assessments 3. Reading Assignments 4 Practical Application of the Noahide Code (Torah study parameters, blessings on food, prayer, refinement the traits of character, performance of good deeds, etc.)





Following each course unit or sub-unit, you will complete a written assignment. These assignments should be based on a learning log which is kept during the course. Each written assignment should be structured as paragraphs in essay form. It is preferred that you type your assignments. Handwritten assignments must be written legibly, so it is recommended to keep your own photocopy of any handwritten work you submit, in case you will be asked to decipher what you submitted. While you are encouraged to work through the course materials with a study partner, the work submitted must be your own, and plagiarism will have a negative impact on your grade. The assignments will be evaluated/graded and returned to you.




There is a final exam for the course (or for each unit individualy). A proctor approved by the Theological Research Institute will administer this exam. The exam may only be taken after all assignments have been submitted. If you have studied the course material as instructed, completed the written assignments, and have taken the time to study and review, then you should be well prepared for the final exam.




Your course grade will be determined by the written assignments and the final exam. You must pass the final exam in order to pass the course.

Assignments 50%

Final exam 50%


A letter grades will be assigned based on the following scale:


A = 90 - 100% = Excellent

B = 80 - 89% = Good

C = 70 - 79% = Passing

D = 60 - 69% = Poor

F = 0 - 59% = Failing


On-line lectures, live or pre-recorded, will be provided by: Dr Shimon Cowen, professor Goldberg, Rabbi Moshe Perets Rabbi Moshe Weiner  Dr. Michael Schulman  Rabbi Assi Harel Dr. Moshe Shein



Course Lectures and Materials


Live and pre-recorded video lectures Online

Pre-recorded video and audio lectures Online


Main texts:

- Required for the course Universal Torah : Unit 1


Go(o)d for You: The Divine Code of 7 Noahide Commandments

Based on The Divine Code, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner (on-line at


Introduction to the Noahide Code, and Fundamentals of the Faith

From Intro & Part I of The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner (on-line,


Rambam: The 13 Principles of Faith; 6 & 7: Prophecy

By Rabbi Chaim Miller (on-line at


Short course on Foundations of Torah, Principles of Faith, and Moshiach (the Messiah)

By United Noahide Academies® (on-line at Includes Rambam's 13 Principles)

- Required for the course Universal Torah : Units 2, 3, and 4


The Gate of Unity and Faith (Shaar Hayichud Veha'emuna)


Text of Part II of Tanya by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, on-line at

A Judgment of Truth and Mercy (Baad Kodesh)

by Rabbi Dovber Schneur of Lubavitch, on-line at


Torah's Spiritual Knowledge for Gentiles (tentative title)

By Rabbi Moshe Weiner, pub. Ask Noah International (hard-copy book)


Book of Genesis with Rashi Commentary

Pub. by Judaica Press, on-line at

The Seven Universal Commandments
from Torah for Humanity
  1. To Believe, Know and Trust the One True G-d.

  2. To Honor the One True G-d. 

  3. To Honor Life.

  4. To Honor Family.

  5. To Honor Others Property.

  6. To Honor All Living Beings.

  7. To Recognize and Live According to this
    Code of Life.

The Seven Commandments
& Their Application in Daily Life

The First Commandment

To promote the concept of unity within diversity, meaning the knowledge that there is a Primary Being who precedes all beings and directs the world according to His Will.

 Arouse the consciousness of people that we are working together for the best interest of every single individual and in order for their needs to be respected their needs to be a recognition of a hierarchy of knowledge.

To share and teach the Seven Universal Biblical Values to every person regardless of origin, background or present situation, through: 

  • daily interaction with tourists in Israel,

  • audio-visual experiences,

  • conferences,

  • online courses,

  • academic studies,

  • leadership programs,

  • professional seminars,

  • political programs,

  • NGO personnel professional training and counselling, 

  • books and other publications,

  • email newsletter

  • webinars,

  • north-south campaigns, 

  • and more


A new era for mankind beyond religions. For the unity of mankind we need the knowledge, trust and faith in the One True G-d through His original core Code of Life. 

Through this Universal Code for Life we can reach the core of our common goal, beyond culture and language and to achieve a clima of peace and security where individual freedom will be in accord with society on a national and international levels.

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