MusicPUMPIDISA- ELUL Hamelech Basadeh @tyhashemCHAYA BISTRITZKY A”H | לע״נ רוחמה חיה פרומא ע״ה בת ר׳ דוב פנחס נ״י Dear Brothers & Sisters, Imagine you found out that Hashem will be...
Daily StudyBe Careful Don't Fall!“When Hashem your G-d will expand your territory as He swore to your forefathers, and gives you the entire land which He promised to give...
Daily WisdomGever, Stand up, The King Is In The Field!Today: Elul 4 5782 in HaYom Yom: In describing the unique qualities of humankind, four terms are used: Adam refers to the quality of mind...