Special DaysWhy Don't Noahides Celebrate Yom Kippur?By Rabbi Moshe Perets By Rabbi Moshe Perets Rabbi Moshe Perets is the President of the Noahide Academy of Israel, Founder and Executive...
Special DaysShofar Blowing for the World Noahide Community - Rosh HaShana 5784By Rabbi Moshe Perets CONSCIOUS ACCEPTANCE OF HASHEM’S SOVEREIGNTY Despite its uniqueness, the 25th of Elul is eclipsed by Rosh HaShanah....
VideosAvinu Malkeinu, Our Father Our King Niggun for Bnei Noah's Prayer Rosh HaShanaBy Rabbi Moshe Perets “Avinu Malkeinu” Prayer Our Father Our King Sing the following verse with the melody Avinu Malkeinu. Meditate that...